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National Breast Cancer Foundation

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia's leading national body funding game changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.

We receive no government funding. What we do, would not be possible without the support and generosity of people and organisations like YOU.

Our mission is simple: stop deaths from breast cancer. How? By identifying, funding and championing world-class research -research that will help us detect tumours earlier, improve treatment outcomes, and ultimately -save lives.

Since 1994, NBCF has awarded has invested around $200M into nearly 600 world-class research projects across the country. The five-year survival rates for breast cancer has increased from 76% to 92%.

We've seen remarkable results, but the job's not done.

More than ever, NBCF is focusing keenly on how we can do more with less in order to achieve great outcomes that will impact the longevity and quality of life for patients with breast cancer.

For us, this means identifying new and effective models of funding and ensuring that we don't stand alone but work collaboratively and creatively to achieve our mission of Zero Deaths from breast cancer

Women 4 STEM

At Women 4 STEM, we are passionate about our service pillar programs which focus on creating sustainable services that span the life stages of a woman’s career. By reviewing how our programs can overlap, there is a clear career path and ensuring that we are offering a range of services that is inclusive of all women.

Our members are at the heart of what we do. Their membership, community, and engagement help to keep Women 4 STEM going. In partnership with our corporate, education and individual members, we share a commitment to diversity and the support of women and girls across all stages of their careers. We have welcomed new individual and corporate members into our fold.

We recognise that we are only as good as the people who make everything happen. Women 4 STEM is run entirely by volunteers. In FY21, more than 200 volunteers invested over 10,000 volunteer hours, doing everything from managing our social media, recruiting for events, running world-class programs, providing mentorship support, and everything in between—in addition to a global pandemic. Our organisation wouldn’t be possible without our volunteer’s generosity and support.

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